Concrete mixing plant
型号 Model | HZ90-1S1500 | HZ120-1S2000 | HZ180-1S3000 | HZ240-1S4000 | HL270-1S4500 |
理论生产率(m3/h) Theoretical productivity (m3/h) | 90 | 120 | 180 | 240 | 270 |
搅拌机数量×出料容积(L) The number of the mixer × discharge volume (L) | 1×1500 | 1×2000 | 1×3000 | 1×4000 | 1×4500 |
形式 Form | 站 | 站 | 站 | 站 | 站 |
骨料最大粒径(mm) Maximum aggregate size (mm) | 40 | ||||
计量系统 Measurement system |
动态精度:骨料为±2%,粉料、冰及其他材料为±1% Dynamic precision: aggregate ±2%, powder、ice and and other materials ±1% | ||||
技术要求 Technical requirement |
物料种类数量及预冷需求可按工艺要求定制 The typesand quantity of materials, and pre cooling requirements can be customized according to the requirement of process | ||||
控制系统 Control system |
微机全自动控制系统 Automatic control system of computer | ||||
总功率(kW) Total power (kW) | ≈180 | ≈200 | ≈280 | ≈380 | ≈360 |
Green concrete mixing plant
绿色环保混凝土搅拌楼(站)具有环境友好、节约资源的特点;生产效率高;废水、废渣做到循环利用,彻底改变传统搅拌站“脏、乱、差”的现象。我部门可提供环保型搅拌站的建厂咨询、设计、成套,也可对现有的搅拌楼站进行升级改造。 | Green concrete mixing plant has characteristics of environmentally friendly, saving resources; High production efficiency; Waste water, waste recycling, thoroughly change the traditional mixing station "dirty, disorderly and poor" phenomenon. My department can provide green concrete batching plants in consulting, design, complete sets of station, can also be used for upgrading the existing concrete batching plant. |
Automatic Control System of Concrete Enterprises
提供进口、国产混凝土搅拌楼(站)电气控制系统升级改造服务;为混凝土设备厂商配套先进的自动化生产控制系统;提供混凝土生产企业信息管理系统(ERP);提供混凝土搅拌车GPS定位及调度管理系统;定制混凝土生产企业所需的各类控制管理系统。 | Provide electrical control system upgrading services for import & domestic batching plant; advanced automatic production control system for concrete equipment manufacturers; enterprise resources planning(ERP) for concrete production; concrete mixer truck GPS positioning and scheduling management system; Customize all kinds of management system for concrete enterprises。 |